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Utopia is a massive open world post-zombie apocalypse roleplay that focuses on the phrase 'Life Goes On'. We allow the players to 'build their own apocalypse' by having open ended allowances for survivors, halflings, and zombies alike. There is no right or wrong way to play Utopia, as any character from any group can become or go on to be just about anything. This isn't limited to simply forming teams but also in establishing bases, hijacking radio transmissions, taking down dictatorships within settlements, and having a responsive list of factions to interact with. Some good. Some bad. Originally seen as a Scout's Guide to Broadway, UTO takes place in the UUW (formerly North America) as a multi-strain zombie infection ravages the wastelands.

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Quick Links

Scout's Guide | A full guide to the wasteland, factions, vocabulary, strains, and everything between.
ID Cards | IDs are used to direct to character inventories and give basic stats at a glance.


| The year is 2221, it is several generations after Day 0 in the United Utopian Wasteland, formerly known as the United States of America. The American Dream is officially an urban legend as the land lay covered in plantlife, desolation and the meltdown of other nuclear centers. It’s unclear who truly thought the events leading up to the infections were a good idea, as the documents are long faded, radio calls long lost their ring, and now? Life goes on. Somehow. The following entries are all that remains of what happened before life turned upside down, some parts may be biased by the original authors. |

[DETONATION | Year 2012]

Worldwide biological warfare becomes the normal end game to war plans. Spare lives but by taking them this way, the cause, the symptoms, both eradicated. Airports shut down over time, a planet at war with not just it’s own people, but the earth beneath their feet. Pollution and temperatures both rising with the skyrocketing price of oil and the golden era of mechanical symphonies. However, with the America's leading the races of human engineered bacterias, the plan was simple. Release a detonation that could rain over their enemies, smother the people out with chemical infection, watch as the world fell apart. True and total militarian dominance and no one’s hands ever touched the filth they created. In theory, and only on paper.

The day the Americas launched their classified project, failure struck. Due to the nature of the explosives, once taken to air, they travelled a few hundred miles only before detonating mid-air. Hazardous waste raining down not just onto the ocean, but the land around, the animals, the birds. Bacterial in such a heated, chaotic environment tends to warp and change. Such temperatures only encouraged it onward, eventually leading to the entirety of the salted water surrounding the continents being littered with the infection. But we laughed, as this? Was contained. But this too, was only in theory.

[THE RESULT | Year 2014, Early]

As humanity does, we believed we were safe. However, as time waned on, the sickness began showing up. Often enough, it was kept to the outlands and coasts. Places the ocean brushed alongside of. But this spread, birds began showing signs of the same infection, eventually causing the spores to become airborne. Before anyone could begin devising a vaccine, things began evolving, factories closing and hospitals filling with the ill. No one is entirely sure where things started, only that midway through? The entire populace seemed afflicted with the same symptoms.

[THE END | Year 2014, Late]

With mankind falling ill, and into the general chaos of a society crumbling all across the planet, everything in this moments began to stop. Politicians from all walks of life, all native tongues, coming together. Trying to find a means of stopping the infection. Eventually gathering enough doctors to devise a series of ‘cures’. Each one for a different climate, a different geno, a different pathogen. Trying to place a generalized placebo in the communities, gauge where it ended up. They started at the bottom and in poor communities. Getting those sick drugged with their new experimentals. This, however, proved to be rather… ineffective. Instead of success, the mutations advanced into a toxin that spread from the neurosystem throughout the other associating complexities. Before they could count the successes, there were legitimate corpses throwing empty snarls up toward inbound helicopters.


It was officially declared an international catastrophe of terrifying degrees. Experts were running out of ideas other than to create a manageable sectors throughout the world, using a multi-lingual idealism that every one would be called by ‘Color Words’. This way translating would be easiest and there were limitless possibilities. It was declared that only those within the safe, healthy zones would be transitioned from standard Safe-Areas to Utopias, and only those in cities without nuclear damage. The idealism was that within the Utopias, each would be governed by their own system, a Mayor to lead each, an army for each, the people inside to follow laws set by the Utopias. The last act of a falling system of rule would decree it, passing the act shortly after March 13th.

Collectively, everything outside the walls of the Utopias were simply known as ‘Dystopic’. Dystopic-America was considered to be the most infected at first, which quickly led up to Canada and Mexico. Europe held it’s own until things mutated for the worst in Russia. Before the end of 2015, civilization now placed highest on the endangered list as the nuclear centers slowly melted down around them, furthering the advancement of symbionts.

[DAY 00 | Year 2015, Late]

The official ‘end’ of the world, decreed by those inside the walls. This was the day that the transcontinental radios would fizzle out, the contact of satellites, space stations falling silent. For all the chaos of days before, now only silence radiated from contact lines. The explosions of multiple nuclear power plants started not long after. After things were spread out, disconnected, the planet began to change. Evolving around the zombies, the healthy, those in between. Her surface becoming littered with monstrous mutations, people and animal alike. Weather became strange, ranging from pouring rain to blitzing hail in moments. As she accommodated for the newly altered atmosphere, evolution in other things also begun showing up.

[LIFE IN CONTINUUM | Recent Years]

Now five or six generations into what most assumed was the end, the world is comfortably settled into a place of routine. Beyond the simple societies of Utopias, prison camps lined the skylines. Each country seeming to have their own version of hell on earth for those the Utopians would declare undesirable. Travel once more began, however the price of travelling always came with something more than just a check. While some places resumed life as normal, ignoring the howls of the undying outside, those who weren’t lucky enough to follow that lead learned to survive as best as they could. Generations of children now bred, battle hardened, in the stomach of the beast. Behind them the knowledge of traders, farmers, raiders, and rogues. True survivalists not simply lost in the world, but thriving. Pulling the reins on what was left of a hellforged beast. Not just a world, now for the Utopians and Rogues, but also the Nomads, the Halflings, the Civilized Infected.

While the world changed, the Utopias typically did not. All set back in their vintage ways, disconnected with the rest of the world. In current years, many have been taken by natural disasters, infections, or simply burnt away. While the infection was a part of life, it was still a part that dictated when someone lived or died. But the worst of the god-players tended to be those in charge of running what remained of the Utopias. Often times, innocent people would be shipped out to prison camps as a means of cutting costs, those tended to either be extremely lucky or far worse than they started.

Welcome aboard, rogue.

Character Creation

UTO is an open world when it comes to character creation due to the mutated state of the world around. However to keep from breaking the atmosphere there are a few minor guidelines that may be handy to keep in mind. Anything that you're not sure about, you're welcome to ask the GM about.


  • It is preferred that all characters be wrote for Utopia and not recycled into the plot to be used elsewhere. There are very few exceptions to this rule.
  • UTO allows for any species whatsoever to be played, and any cluster of parts be used. However, there are no god characters. All characters can be killed, maimed, or injured regardless if they can respawn, regenerate, or heal over time.
  • Original Species created that can (1) heal planets, (2) travel via multiverse theory/time travel, (3) originate in outer space, (4) are spoofs, or (5) characters that exhibit the ability to cure or otherwise alter the world lore are PROHIBITED. (IE: Not allowed)
  • While you may use any color schemes, keep in mind the world you are playing. The same can be said about the species you choose to play.
  • Most UTO characters have common, easily found names for the regions they originate from. A lot are named through tradition or family members. Try to avoid names that are over the top for true legal names. Your alias can be whatever, but your parents are less likely to legitimately name you Beezelbub or Asmodeus.
  • Pets and humanoid companions are allowed, as are playing furries/anthros/beasts.
  • Keep your weapons realistic, but feel free to customize heavily.
  • For this experience, all characters have originated in North America (Canada, USA, Mexico)
  • We allow characters that are cis, trans, intersex, or various styles of hermaphrodite because we do not police genitals in this setting. Nobody really cares in the apocalypse.


| This experience uses specific guidelines to follow in order to avoid ‘breaking’ the balance of the world. |

Roleplay Rules

  • First and foremost, be respectful. Not every roleplayer will be at the same level as everyone else, be mindful.
  • UTO is a 3rd person style roleplay done in novella (or para).
  • Our group does not tolerate OOC racism, homophobia, transphobia, or general troublemaking.
  • Let the admin handle answering questions to avoid confusion.
  • UTO contains themes that may be triggering in nature, please do not join if this will inevitably bother you. These themes may contain explicit implifications, noncon, gore, necrophilia, drug use, alcohol consumption, and other implied taboo topics.

World Rules

  • This world does not need ‘fixing’, civilization has long decided it doesn’t need fixing, because life goes on, regardless the complications.
  • There are no ‘laws’ in the UUW, however settlements may have their own codes of conduct, it’s wise to follow them or face reputation penalties.
  • People do not often immediately trust newcomers, it’s right to be wary of the overly friendly types. Especially when they smile all the time.
  • Vehicles in the wasteland are mostly stripped, the runners and such in use are reinforced and designed to handle a landscape that is lost to nature and infection.
  • There doesn’t always have to be an explanation of ‘why’.
  • At any point, any Utopia has the chance to fall, even those who seem perfectly stable.
  • The ‘real world map’ around them can be modified with structures, towns, etc and doesn’t have to follow the STRICT likeness to real life.
  • You cannot romance NPCs. Period.

Join Us

Interested in joining the horde? No problem.
Our operations are primarily based off of Discord, which you can join below!

[Insert JSON script]

Or perhaps, join our world below!

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